Organically grown sweet potatoes, hand planted, hand weeded, hand picked

Peter and Ann Brooke semi-retired to their 25 acre Riverland Vineyard in 2012 and found sweet potatoes grow easily in the hot Riverland climate, and use little water. No one in South Australia grows sweet potatoes for markets so the Brookes had found a niche outlet. Peter and Ann now grow four different coloured varieties and their entire crop is certified organic.

Tubers are planted in a hot house during winter; buried and watered and kept warm ready for sprouting. In spring cuttings, known as slips, are planted in mounds in the organic field. No weedkillers are used so there is a lot of backbreaking hand weeding with hoes and gloves! Curing for a week after harvest makes the potatoes sweeter and ensures they store better.

Check out the ‘hotdogs’ and ‘carrots’ for a tasty fun option for the kids.

In winter Peter and Ann also bring their organically grown peas and garlic.

Find Barmera Sweet Potatoes outside every second Sunday at the Farmers’ Market from autumn to spring